An obituary is not available at this time for Gabriel Adrian Voican. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Tribute Wall. To send flowers or plant a tree in memory of Gabriel Adrian Voican, visit the Tribute Store.
left a message on December 14, 2024:
Dumnezeu sa il odihneasca in pace! Ne remane in amintiri ca un om extraordinar, mereu cu un sfat si o incurajare. Sincere condoleante!
left a message on December 15, 2024:
You will always be remembered as the kindest, patient and very loving friend. Our deepest condolences to the family.The Petrescu Family
A memorial tree was planted in memory of Gabriel Voican . Plant a Tree
left a message on December 14, 2024:
Rămas bun ,prieten drag !
left a message on December 13, 2024:
Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss... Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Strength and Solace Spray was purchased for the family of Gabriel Voican by Liana C D and Daniel Nicolae. Send Flowers
left a message on December 13, 2024:
With deepest sympathy,
Sweet Sincerity was purchased for the family of Gabriel Voican by Constantinescu and Arnoff family. Send Flowers
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
left a message on December 13, 2024:
Pentru Familia Voican!!
Frumusețea unei amintiri este că este mereu acolo.
Ca un bănuț în buzunar,
Îl poți lua oriunde.
Și când inima ta este grea,
Și ochii tăi s-au umplut de lacrimi,
Te poți concentra pe o amintire,
Și să călătorească de-a lungul anilor.
Inima ta poate vizita momente fericite,
Când râsul a umplut aerul.
Și prezența persoanei iubite,
Îți va diminua disperarea.
Sa, pe măsură ce călătorești mai departe în viață,
Într-o viață de "amintiri dulci",
A unuia care te-a iubit atât de mult!
The beauty of a memory Is that it's always there.
Like a penny in your pocket,
You can take it anywhere.
And when your heart is heavy,
And your eyes are filled with tears,
You can focus on a memory, And travel through the years.
Your heart can visit happy times,
When laughter filled the air.
And the presence of your loved one, Will lessen your despair.
Sa, as you travel on in life, take comfort as you go, In a lifetime of "sweet memories,"
Of one who loved you so!
George, Kane, Eugen, Anca, Rely and Jax Radu
left a message on December 13, 2024:
Words cannot describe the loss I feel,Saying farewell to you,But heaven chose to give you wings And now it's time you flew.Love George, Kane, Jax Radu
Peaceful White Lilies Basket was purchased for the family of Gabriel Voican by George Radu. Send Flowers
left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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