Margaret Theresa Reilly (nee Coyle) passed away in Wausau, WI on January 9, 2015 where she resided with her step daughter Jill since 2013. Born August 7, 1928 in Harrisburg, PA, Peg graduated Prospect Heights High School in Brooklyn, NY. A longtime resident of Massapequa (Nassau Shores), she retired from Contempo Visuals Group & MJM Creative Services in NYC to help her husband Ed open up Tinkers Hardware on Merrick Road. Beloved wife to the late Edward Reilly of Massapequa, NY. Daughter to the late Stephen and Margaret (nee McSparan) Coyle. Sister to the late Stephen Coyle (June Coyle). Step Mother to Christian Reilly, Steven Reilly and Jill Reilly Mabry. Grandmother to Samantha Mabry Wagner, Patrick Mabry, Lex Reilly, Megan Reilly, Matthew Reilly, JP Reilly and Kate Reilly. Aunt to Lois L’Hommedieu, Susan Martin, Stephanie Sheehan, Christine Benci and Timothy Coyle.