Dear Paul, Josephine, Kristin in Heaven, Grandchildren Sofia, Ava, and Aiden, Brother Vincent, All Family Members, Members of the Clergy & Dear Friends, I stand before you the “Written” representative of a family in grief. For many, if not all, the events of these past three days remain and will so remain a manifestation ofContinue Reading
Dear Paul, Josephine, Kristin in Heaven, Grandchildren Sofia, Ava, and Aiden, Brother Vincent, All Family Members, Members of the Clergy & Dear Friends,
I stand before you the “Written” representative of a family in grief. For many, if not all, the events of these past three days remain and will so remain a manifestation of an incredible tragedy. That tragedy of course, is the passing of my very dear and remarkable Cousin Nicholas Piccininni, Jr. Although Nick was ill, our natural expectation was that he would certainly recover and return himself to us in all his magnificent splendor, full of his overflowing love and genuine concern for all of us gathered here today and for so many people that could not be present today but were especially touched with his unique kindness, devoted friendship, and unending love.
Dear Paul, my heart is heavy that circumstances did not permit me to be present with you and the family today. I can only comprehend your loss and how Dad’s passing has affected your entire family. Not being able to attend, I yearned for some way to express my love for Dad and my great absolute condolences at his passing. In large measure, I thank you for permitting me to offer this eulogy to my dear Cousin Nick and share my thoughts on his powerful and positive impact on me and on all.
The events of these past few days certainly demonstrate that Nick was truly a special person. I have every confidence that in the short time since his passing, you have heard from so many who, I am sure, have expressed their profound sadness upon Nick’s passing and their unending and joyful stories of how, in some special way, your Dad touched their lives in his very special, strong, and endearing way. Dear Paul,” I know that this has likely been very exhausting, but it has similarly provided the very strength needed to navigate through the difficult challenges and realities of this week.” Please know that you were a blessing to Dad. You were always there for him and was the ultimate representation of a Son incredibly dedicated to his Father.
When we chatted yesterday, we agreed that Dad was a man of incredible strength and resolve. Nick had the misfortune of battling two very difficult enemies, first Parkinson’s Disease and then second Pancreatic Cancer. Throughout his difficult battle with each, Nick never gave up and always demonstrated his love for life and his indominable spirit that was infectious and inspirational to all. I was blessed to enjoy many telephone calls with him, and it was a true gift to look at my telephone display to see the name, “Nick Piccininni” before I answered the call. You could always tell just what a day Nick was having by his voice. Despite that, even on difficult days, Nick never missed the opportunity to ask me how I was doing, and usually followed that up with a really great memory of times past, which made us both laugh quite heartily. Your Grandmother, and my Aunt Dotty in summing up terrific times with family and friends, always used to say, “We had a few laughs.” Every time I was blessed to share a few minutes with Nick on the phone, I always came away laughing and thinking about the incredible numbers of wonderful memories and experiences we enjoyed throughout the years. My Aunt Dotty would have been very proud of your Dad’s ability to be the living manifestation of her incredible legacy.
What this says to me, and what is inescapable, is that Nick Piccininni, was a great man, blessed by God, with an unquenchable appetite for family and friends. Nick lived not for himself, but for those of us whom he encountered. His “Compass” always pointed outside to all, and never to only himself. In my
opinion, Nick was the quintessential “People person,” always more interested in others, as opposed to himself. Nick’s character was his strong suit. I lovingly remember one example of Nick’s magnanimity. When I was deployed by the Army and went to Iraq, my Wife Dolores and our two young Daughters, Jessica and Gianna, decided to travel via Amtrak from New York to Florida. Upon boarding, Dolores and the Girls encountered Nick and he surprised them by making reservations in the most comfortable and luxurious sleeper car on that train to Florida. Nick absolutely went out of his way to take care of my family when I was unable to do so. Thanks Nick, forever.
As I write this, I realize that I was blessed with knowing and being a part of the Piccininni family for 63 years. As some of you may recall, my Mom, the-then Maria Talarico, fell in love with Joey Piccininni. They married, but their marriage was short-lived, as Joey passed away at a very young age. Mom was devastated. Mom was loved by each Piccininni, Lucy, Frank, Michael, Nicholas, Rosalie, Anne, Mauro, and Lena. When each married, Mom’s family grew, and she was likewise loved by Tom, Cellia, Dorothy, Gerry, Dorothy, Tony, Anne and Ray. Mom was likewise adored by Nick’s grandmother, Ma Piccininni. From the very moment my Mother and my Father met, remarkably it was Ma Piccininni who encouraged my Mom to “let go, live again, and love once more,” with my Dad, Nick Satriano. My Dad was “adopted” into the Piccininni family and was accepted as one of their own. When I finally came along, my Mom with great love and pride always told me that I was lucky to have not just two, but three families. She was right, and as I grew, I blessedly became close with your Dad and all the Piccininni Cousins that I have known throughout my life.
Why do I share this? Because my Cousin Nick learned very well from his Piccininni elders, the value and importance of family. We Cousins shared so many wonderful memories growing up. Whether in Queens, at Mastic Beach, Long Island, at Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Gerry’s house, at weddings, anniversaries, and holidays, Nick loved spending time with all of us. He loved going out to dinner and especially loved Joe Abbraciemento’s Italian Restaurant on Woodhaven Boulevard in Rego Park, Queens. We enjoyed a fabulous dinner there at your Uncle Vinny’s bachelor party, and then roared with laughter at a comedy club after dinner. I can still remember Cousin Nick laughing hysterically throughout that evening. Blessed times indeed.
As we reflect at this time on all these wonderful blessings given to us, guided by the very man we honor today, it is easy to wonder, just how is it possible to go on now that Nick has left us? That question remains a daunting task. I submit, however, that the answer lies in thinking of what Cousin Nick would say to us and by using and living his example. If we do so, I am confident that we will go forward and prosper just as he would undoubtedly have wanted for all of us.
Nick’s home was always open to all and gatherings were marked with happiness, laughter and outstanding food. Nick would simply, not have it any other way. What a great lesson he provided for all of us. As a man with my own family, I certainly agree with the importance of this invaluable lesson, and I am grateful that Nick helped form that foundation in me.
Nick’s patriarchal strength sustained his family, and his leadership enabled each family member to love more strongly and dedicate everything to each other. In speaking with Paul yesterday, Paul shared
that his “Best Friend” was his Dad. What a remarkable lesson, especially in a world that sadly encourages individuality and self-absorption. Nick was a dedicated Father to Paul and Kristin, a strong Brother to Vincent, a giving Father-in-Law to Josephine, and most of all, an adoring Grandfather to Sofia, Ava, and Aiden.
Witnessing the outpouring of love, respect, and kindness for him, I am certain he would have welcomed the opportunity to say something special to all of you here today. Knowing him as I do, I bet that those conversations would go something like this: “To all my extended family and friends here today, thank you so much for honoring me and my family with your presence today and during my most difficult days. Thank you for your friendship and for all the years that we had together. To my Dear Cousins that came to see me, keep me company and cared for me, thank you for always being there for me. You unselfishly gave up so much of your personal time to be with me, to lift my spirits when days were dark, and made me feel incredibly loved and respected. I have cherished every moment. What has been said for years is true, as it is really great here in Heaven and I have been reunited with all those that I have missed for years that have gone before me, especially my beautiful Daughter Kristin. To my Brother Vincent, I’m with Mom and Dad now and all is just right. I love you very much and always will. I was privileged to be your Older Brother. To my Daughter-in-Law Josephine, “How I love you Sweetheart, for having made my Son so very happy and for being an incredible Daughter-in-law to me. To my beautiful Grandchildren Sofia, Ava, and Aiden, being your Grandfather has been my most favorite role. You have brought me so much pride and joy. My happiest times have been loving each of you and watching you grow. Grandpa loves you, be good and listen always. Finally, to my Son Paul, a Father dreams to have a Son like you and Sons like you do not come around that often. You have been my Son, but also my Best Friend, my confidant, my caretaker, my protector and my legacy. I am so very proud of the man you have become. The torch was passed long ago Son and you have never disappointed. I love you so much and please always look after Josephine, Sofia, Ava and Aiden. To all, please know that I am ok. As was once said, I love you every day, and now I will miss you every day.”
As the great Mark Twain once said, “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” My Cousin Nick Piccininni truly lived fully, and his life and this great Piccininni family is a testament to a man who loved so completely and with all his heart. Nick will be truly missed but never forgotten. His legacy is contained in everyone who knew him and loved him. One of my favorite songs is, “You Can call Me Al,” by Paul Simon. The main stanza goes something like this: “If you’ll be my bodyguard, I can be your long-lost pal, I can call you Betty, And Betty when you call me, You can call me Al, Call me Al.” I think our Nick Piccininni was just like Al. Nick was our bodyguard and our pal and so much more and we will miss him with all our hearts. His passing is a fitting reminder that God loves us and with our faith, welcomes us into Heaven with love and open arms. I know Cousin Nick is there now, but I also know that Nick will always be with us too, in all we do. He simply would have it, no other way. God bless him. Thank you.
Love always, Nick Satriano, May 16, 2024
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