An obituary is not available at this time for Catherine Morris. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Tribute Wall.
left a message on August 27, 2022:
For those who couldn’t be there. here is My Eulogy. I love and miss my mom more than words but hopefully I can tell you something about her.
I’m here today to tell you about one of the most amazing women to grace all of our lives. A true warrior woman, my Mom Catherine Morris. She was strong, smart, adventurous, kind, loving, happy go lucky, fearless and FUN!!!
She didn’t have it easy. She was the oldest of 10 siblings. She was a proud, independent women that achieved everything that she had in her life on her own and wouldn’t have had it any other way.
She put herself thru nursing school while raising two children and then earned her master’s degree which in turn led her to a tremendously successful career in the medical field. She was a professor at Hunter college and a passionate advocate for education. She volunteered at the library and tutored people to help them pass their citizenship tests.
Chris and I didn’t make it easy for her. To be honest, we could be bratty at times, sneaking out, coming home late and maybeeee a lil’ tipsy, but through all of the ups and downs, she was always there for us. We would never change our childhood. It was those challenges along with my
Moms guidance and love that made us who we are today and she was truly proud of both of us.
We had a medley of animals. She never said no for long. I would just bring them home and she was like no, no, no but that never lasted. She would give any unwanted animal a home. One day she brings home this big white Samoya and Chris and I were like where did that come from? She says the local Chinese restaurant. His name is Rucky and Chris and I were like Rucky? Why Rucky? She begins to explain that the dog’s actual name was Lucky, butanswered to Rucky because the owners of the restaurant could not pronounce Lucky correctly.
She also absolutely hated squirrels, but they would always seek her out for some reason, even sneaking into our home on Polo Place on multiple occasions, sometimes dropping in on Chris’s showers.
Those who really know us , know that our hate for celery runs deep in our family. We actually thought it was genetic up until the grandchildren came who all LOVE CELERY! She would always have us try different things. Come on $ 20 bucks if you eat this chocolate covered cricket and we would.
Family was so very important to my Mom. Spending holidays together filled her heart and the more the merrier. She loved having her annual Memorial Day parties, Easter brunches, and Christmas Dinner.
You never knew who would be at Christmas. The most famous were her amazing Halloween Parties! Making a haunted house with brains and fingers, rats everywhere. Everyone got prizes!, wearing bunny ears and talking into the carrot every Easter! She had a nice little stockpile of folding chairs for last minute invites of people that may be spending holidays alone or had nowhere to go.
Her friends always spoke of what a wonderful and empowering woman she was. She always tried to build people up and show them the wonderful qualities that she saw in them, that they had not necessarily see in themselves. She was truly an inspiring woman that made you want to live your life to the fullest. Her friends and family looked to her as a mentor,
Some favorite memories that come to mind: Going to Aunt Gerts, going to the Board walk and the haunted house. Having her carry us thru the Rats. Getting poo-poo platters at Chinese restaurant, going apple picking, action park and lots of camping and looking for shooting stars.
We went on so many trips to the Renaissance Fairs, the mud people! Trips to Vermont to visit her girlfriend,Marty, going horseback riding and hiking thru the woods.
Thanksgiving Day parades, listening to Alice’s Restaurant on the ride home! Her love for Broadway and Madi Gras!
Mom making Chinese food, was not your normal Chinese food. This was whatever was left over for the week in one pot mixed together and add rice!!! Thankfully when she married Andrew, he could cook! Their wedding in Vegas with their purple shirts and sneakers to be married by Elvis!
She did it her way and always made it full of laughter, silliness and the absolute BEST! Boy did she love to laugh and make people laugh!!! Her famous line… Let me tell you a joke.
She was always looking for the next adventure. She loved scavenger hunts and excursions with her grandkids, nothing stopped her. If it rained, she was the first one to jump in the puddle in the rain, normally bringing in any kids, with brand new shoes on! She loved to fish! Her and Little Christopher always competing over who would catch the biggest fish.
She loved to travel and find new experiences. I will always treasure our time in Ireland together! She went to the bird exhibition and miraculously the hawk and eagle landed right on her arm! She was an avid bird watcher and constantly looking for birds with her binoculars…she could name any type of bird and loved getting her bird book out.
She loved anything and everything astronomy. She would regularly remind my brother and I. “Tonight is an eclipse, Take the kids out tonight to see themeteor shower, Make sure you are out at 2:00 am to see Pluto in its purest form…” she absolutely loved looking through her telescope on her balcony at the stars.
After she got sick, we tried our best to keep the adventures going, making beautiful memories to cherish. We went to the eclipse down in Greensville. She went to Florida to visit her sisters with Sue, where she went to a local Zoo and fed giraffes.
We all went to Disney to celebrate Harley’s Sweet 16. It started raining so we started dancing. She told me that she wanted to ride a bike, so I found a place with a rickshaw.
She especially loved family celebrations where she would be the most sparkly person in the roomsinging and dancing, even after she was in the wheelchair, she would be on the dance floor. Even though she was sick, it never stopped her from enjoying the moment.
She loved the movies. She would never say no to going to see a movie.
She lived for her Grandkids. She loved watching Tyler play soccer and went to Erin’s swimming matches ,reading Christopher’s comic books. She also loved watching the girls in all their plays and dance recitals. Most recent she loved seeing her Granddaughter Madison on the Big Screen!
Our Mom was an amazing woman, people came to her for advice, and they looked up to her. She gave them her time and love unconditionally. She put more pressure on herself than anyone else.
Recently she kept asking me if she was a good mother and was constantly upset feeling that she didn’t give Chris and I enough hugs when we were little, so please hug your kids and hug each other one extra time in her honor today! Just don’t hug Scott!
Mom, we will love you forever and are truly grateful for all that you have done for us and feel extremely proud and blessed to have you as our Mother and hope that we can leave a mark in this world as big as the one that you did.
We know that even though you are not here physically, you will always be by our sides through all of the special moments in our lives, our guiding light, an angel on our shoulders forever and always. And even though we will miss you dearly, we are so glad that you are finally using those amazing legs again, making new adventures.
left a message on August 26, 2022:
I met Cathy through CMSA many years ago, and yes, Cathy was the force that drove my case management success – always seeking to step up and achieve higher goals and ambitions. My greatest pleasure in our relationship was the honor I had in nominating Cathy for Case Manager of the Year, and writing the application which acknowledged and highlighted her dedication to case management. However, case management is not what drove my love for one of the most beautiful women I have ever had the pleasure to know. What amazed me the most about Cathy was her incredible ability to love those who caused her the most pain, and she did so with loving forgiveness and without judgement or condemnation. Her beauty came from within her soul, and shined brightly through to her outer self.
Cathy was an exceptional person, ALWAYS seeing the best in every person she encountered, and fighting for the underdog in every situation. As a matter of a fact, my nickname for Cathy was “UNDERDOG”, a humble and lovable cartoon dog from my childhood who was brave, kind and selfless, and became a superhero to help all those in trouble or less fortunate. "There's no need to fear! Underdog is here!" We didn’t always agree, but regardless, Cathy defended not only her position, but the person/people who (in my opinion) didn’t deserve her kindness and goodwill.
My fondest memories of Cathy are those from the all-inclusive Cancun get-away that we took together. As always, she pushed and encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone…. I don’t know how to swim, but she somehow convinced me to jump into the ocean (over my head!!) and party with her and a pair of dolphins. We explored the Mayan ruins, hit every pool, every bar, every restaurant, and celebrated the good life every single day for 7 days… and I assure you, NO ONE knew how to live life to the fullest better than Cathy!
I love you Cathy, now and always, and am happy that you have passed into the gates of heaven. You did not deserve to suffer the consequences of cancer. You did not deserve to suffer. You did not deserve to have your life taken away in that manner… it would have been far more fun to die jumping out of that airplane in Florida, but THAT was the ONLY thing in life that you ever chickened out of (and I chickened out too, right there behind you!). You are no longer in pain, no longer imprisoned in a crippled body – so until we meet again, my dear friend, I trust that you’ll raise as much hell in heaven as you did here on earth.
Deepest condolences to Andy, Cindy, Chris and all of Cathy's family and friends... Know in your hearts that she loved YOU far more than she ever loved herself.

left a message on August 25, 2022:
Cathy, you will be missed by so many because you were loved by so many. I remember how you always had a Christmas arts and crafts project for the kids, at Theresa’s family birthday party since her birthday is in December. You were a wonderful Mother to Cindy & Chris and a very special Aunt to all your nieces and nephews. You were a fantastic sister- in- law too. May you Rest In Eternal Peace Cathy ?❤️
left a message on August 25, 2022:
Condolence to Cathy's family, to the CMSA family and to all the people's lives she has touched.
It's difficult to find the right words to capture everything special about Cathy.
I first met Cathy through CMSA. As CMSA President, she was welcoming when I joined the board. She was visionary, innovator, kind and fun to be with. We were so proud when she became the National Case Manager of the Year.
She was loved and respected. She will be truly missed but will keep her in our hearts forever.
May you rest in peace, Cathy.
left a message on August 25, 2022:
My deepest sympathies to Cathy’s family, friends and colleagues. I worked with Cathy at Stony Brook University Medical center and she was one of the most caring individuals I have ever know. Her smile was contagious and her laugh would fill a room. I will forever remember my time with Cathy.
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Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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