An obituary is not available at this time for Charles Endres. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Tribute Wall.
left a message on August 31, 2016:
Dad, because of you I understand what a true “gentleman” really is. You were a gentle-man. Soft kindness and grace, strong, incredibly loving and so intelligent. Everyone always called you whenever they needed anything fixed, electronic or otherwise. Somehow you were always able to figure everything out.Decades before health food was the fad, you were always experimenting with different health food diets and you practiced yoga breathing before most ever heard of yoga.I am so grateful to have been blessed to have you as my father and you were such a wonderful Grandfather to my children. You were always there when we needed you. You were my protector and my hero. I love and miss you more than words can say Dad!
left a message on August 31, 2016:
My deepest condolences go out to the Endres family. I just wanted to write a few memories I have of Mr. Endres from my childhood growing up with Lori and Nancy. I remember when Mr. Endres would get home from work in his construction truck. This big, strong man would come into the house but he was such a peaceful, gentle person who was so sweet and patient with his girls. Lori and I would be eating some junk food and he would try to get us to eat raw cashews instead. I can also see him standing at the fence to the field calling for Dor with his "silent whistle" and the dog would come running. Best of all is how he would sew skating costumes for competitions with the same expertise that he built the tree house in the backyard.
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Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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