An obituary is not available at this time for Donald R. Signorelli Sr.. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Tribute Wall.
left a message on November 13, 2019:
In memory of Donald R. Signorelli Sr., Michael collins lit a candle
left a message on November 13, 2019:
I’ve been thinking about Donny since I got a text from Wayne on Monday telling me of his passing. Donny was an impressive guy, although he didn’t realize it (I think) he taught me a lot about how to get the most out of a buck. It’s not being cheap, it’s about value.
He got the most out of everything he did.
He would never ask you to do anything he wouldn’t do. In my opinion “Nassau” is what it is today because of his foresight, and the people that he had working around him within the company.
So GODSPEED Donny, & “Is ham & cheese good for everybody”? (Ask Wayne if you don’t know this saying).
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