An obituary is not available at this time for Theodore W. Wett. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Tribute Wall.
left a message on December 17, 2019:
Some losses are truly a tragedy, but Mr. Wett left this earth surrounded by his children and knew his love was waiting. Nothing more beautiful. A life well lived and loved. I have my own memories of our daily commute to the Amityville train station when I still lived on Deepwater. We were commuting buddies and I will always remember that. My fondest memory, the one I will cherish, is watching him ever so lightl on his feet, dancing with his beautiful granddaughter Jen on her wedding day. Now you are dancing with your bride again and I am a better person for having known both of you. Rest well, you deserve it! Thanki you for being part of my life.
left a message on December 16, 2019:
Our condolences to the family, from the Minnesota Wett family - children of Richard Wett (Ted's next youngest brother) and Marge Wett. Our thoughts and prayers to all.
left a message on December 16, 2019:
83 Clearview Ct
left a message on December 16, 2019:
I remember your family fondly, We moved out of the neighborhood long ago I have attached a picture of your Dad and Mom at a first communion service back at St Martins that both our parents attended, i wish your family peace at this time of loss
left a message on December 15, 2019:
A beautiful couple together again. Love Bill
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
left a message on December 15, 2019:
Me, (Bill) and Dad. November 2018, Jenn and Len's wedding
left a message on December 15, 2019:
Mr. Wett was the BEST dad in the neighborhood. I am so sorry for your loss.
left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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